Wednesday, July 25, 2007

3frnz,,,,3Different ways,,,,StillCommon,,,,,

I saw three souls coming to earth on a pleasant morning. They all went to their destinations and took birth as Arjun, Chandra and Mani. All three soon became friends and studied in same school and college and finished their studies,,,,

As they have finished an important/joyful stage, they have started their next important stage each in their own way,,,,,

Arjun always had wishes like,,,earning lots and lots of money,,,establish an empire for him and so on,,,,,So he started working in that way,,,,He always thought about his career-improvements-planning,,,,,He never wasted the time,,,,he used to work 18X7,,,,and in very short period he was at a long distance from where he started,,,he already had some good amnt of money/job/business,,,but he was not happy that he had those but was happy as he was heading in the right direction towards his goal(??),,,,He never cared much about his family,,,,he just used take care of all their financial needs,,,but he never liked spending time with parents/wife/children,,,,Even after many years of hard work,,,he still work 18X7 towards his goal(??),,,And at very young age he owned lots of companies in almost all fields and was always appearing on the cover pages on many national-international business magazines,,,,,

Chandra never had any big dreams/aims/goals/,,,,He got a nice job with some handsome salary,,,,,He just used to spend all his money drinking/enjoying with girls/sports/all soughts of enjoyments(???),,,,He also never cared much abt his family,,,,,He just used to take care of their financial needs and was not maintaining gr8 relationship with parents/wife/children,,,,Years passed but he was just finding new ways of his enjoyments,,,,he was always traveling new places/tasting new food/girls/wine,,,,,,he was never thinking of the next day,,,,He never thought abt his country/people/family,,,,,

Mani had some simple dreams and had carefully planned to fulfill his dreams,,,,,He 2 got a nice job[3lucky guys :-)] and some nice salary,,,,,He spent half the money and saved the rest,,,,Soon he bought a nice house beside a lake,,,,The house was having a nice garden around it where he was growing some nice flowers/grass,,,,Even the house was very simple and nice,,,,He just used to work 8X5 and was enjoying rest of the time reading books/watching movies/writing/painting/listening music,,,,,,He had very nice relationships with family,,,He used to take care of his parents very nicely,,,,He was also enjoying his life with the wife/kids going to lots of picnics/always chatting with them/fulfilling their dreams,,,,,,,He was little artistic and even was fulfilling all his hunger in that area,,,,,

Finally on another pleasant morning I saw them coming back from earth,,,,,,,,,,

Now it may look like Arjun, Chandra and Mani had completely different kind of lifes and nothing in common,,,,and may be Mani's life was the greatest one and Arjun's life was the worst one,,,,,BUt But But------------

The one important thing that was common in their lifes is they lived all their lives in the way they want,,,,,,,,

Arjun's only dream was to establish a business empire and he did it and he never cared about any other ways of happiness(family or anything),,,,

Chandra always wanted to enjoy his life(his way of enjoyment) and he successfully did it in his way and he 2 never cared about any other things,,,,,

Even Mani fulfilled all his simple dreams and lived his life in his way(caring for his family,,,),,,,,

All three of them were happy when they died without any regrets/unfulfilled wishes,,,,

Whatever other might think after their deaths it doesn't matter to them,,,,,

Finally three lifes can be described in this single sentence:
"three souls came 2 earth->fulfilled their dreams->left the earth"

PS: I personally feel Mani's was the greatest life among those :-P,,,,

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What I did past one week????

5-9-2007 to 12-9-2007

Definitely was in office for some good amount of time ;-).

How was the job?
Out of the 6 working days 2 days were really bad and full of work:
* Had to attend some serious meetings with the clients which didn't go that smooth,,,
* explain the client some of the limitations which he was not happy with :-(,,,
* was doing lots of work and sending lots of mails to them,,,,,

Rest of days went fine:
* was enjoying the work,,,,
* browsing all the regular web sites,,,
* orkuttingggg ;-),,,,,,

Other than job?
* Enjoyed two days with the cousins,,,,
* Did some shopping,,,,
* watched two movies,,,,
* bought a new MP3 player,,,,

The movie was just fine,,,,Old wine in a new bottle,,,,but was having some nice moments to enjoy,,,,,heroine was gr8 ;-),,,,,,multi-starrer,,,,,and all regular things a telugu movie will have,,,,,

This movie I really enjoyed,,,,I generally like action movies if they r made as I like them :-),,,What I like in the whole series and this movie:
* The action starts in the first 10 mins itself-there will be no boring introductions for half an hours,,
* The stunts will be really gr8 and believable [not in the exact sense],,,
* And the really really nice thing I like is McLean,,,,he is a perfect hero I would like,,,,body language,,,the way he talks in an arrogant way,,,the intelligence in the fights,,,,some things he does which surprise us [like in one scene a person holds him from back, McLean just presses the trigger of the gun in the other guy's pocket and the bullet hits him on his leg,,,It was really cool to watch],,,I just like everything in him,,,,,,
What I didn't like in the series/movie:
* Nothing,,,,I just like everything,,,,

I always used to think seeing many movies,,,why does hero not go and kill the villain until the climax even though they meet each other many times,,,,My question was solved in the DIE HARD series,,,,the moment you see the bad guy,KILL HIM,,,Even this was the important reason I liked the POKIRI movie,,,

And as said I bought a new Transcend 630 2GB MP3 player,,,First time did the shopping online at Ebay,,,It went really cool,,,ordered it,,,within two days got the MP3 player to my room,,,,,Just started enjoying the music,,,didn't use it for much time,,,so I can't say much,,, but I can say it has satisfied me in looks and quality of sound [Though I just enjoy music,,not like gr8 music fan],,,,Should wait and see how will I feel after some days of using it,,,,

As usual I think my post has again become a big one :-),,,I will definitely try to write at least some small posts in future[tough thing to do]

Watch the space for more updates :-P
Enjoy madi,,,

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Raja was beating the other guys like anything,,,then he started singing and dancing,,,,Then came rani and she too started dancing with him,,,,,,I was really enjoying all of these[Actually I was enjoying a telugu movie in a theatre :-) ]. Then came the "Interval". Dad bought some nice stuff to eat and I greatly like these stuff ;-). Again the film has started. I was happily enjoying the movie and it was nearing the climax. Then this ScARy thing has flashed in mind and i was fully disturbed,,,,Ya it was SCHOOLL.
I was still studying in school at that time and it was sunday evening.
After enjoying the one and half day:
* playing cricket in front of the house,,
* diwandal in the evening (hide and seek),,
* business with the friends,,
* watching the TV for long hours in the night and finally going to bed only when mom scolds a lot and switches it off,,
* getting up on the SunDAy morning when it is about 2 become NOON ;-)
* watching all the special programs on TV,,
* going 2 a movie with parents and eagerly waiting for the interval ;-)
* ,,,,,,,,,,,,

The next day I should again get up early and start the hungama of getting ready to school and go to the school with a dull face,,,,,I really hate these Mondays as most of us [Even now :-(]
But once i enter the school it was again a world which I enjoyed a lot,,,


Even now after I came out of the student life and started the next stage,,I still didn't loose the Monday'mania. After enjoying the weekend -sometimes doing many things and sometimes doing nothing I really start feeling uncomfortable from Sunday evening :-( I really really hate these Mondays,,,,,


But there were four years in the middle where I never had this Monday'mania. Those were the golden engg. days,,,,
* Never thinking of the next day,,
* It was like the WEekenD was for SEvEn days a week ;-),,
* While going home from hostel I used 2 feel happy as I was going home and when I start from home to hostel I again was feeling happy as I was going to hostel/college,,

We always had time unlike now where I really find it hard to find time :-)

I will write a full blog about those golden days some other time,,,,


Just read this small joke,,,Enjoy madi:
Teacher : Isn't it amazing how chicks come out of the eggs?

Student : It's more amazing how they get in.

Didn't laugh,,,Plz blame the one who created that joke,,Not me,,I just copied it :-D